Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
What are the benefits of the B-12 injections?
- Improved energy level, mood & ability to concentrate.
- Immune system boost.
- Sounder sleep without interruptions.
- Reduction in depression, cognitive decline and dementia in older people.
- A boost in prevention or treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
Who is Likely to Have This Deficiency?
- Older people – as you age, you naturally produce less gastric acid, so ingested B-12 does not get absorbed.
- Vegetarians and vegans – Since Vitamin B-12 is obtained mostly from animal products, most vegetarians and vegans are deficient without supplementation.
- People with Intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s or Celiac Disease.
- People with diabetes, muscular degeneration, Lou Gehrig’s disease.